Learn to Play the Guitar
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Learn to Play Guitar Fast
Hey there! I think this article will perfectly compliment the two lessons on Learning the Guitar overnight. (If you haven’t already read the lessons, click here). If you’re an amateur in this field, I’m sure you always wanted to be able to learn to play this instrument fast & easily. However, many people have misconceptions of being able to play the guitar fast. Therefore, these article aims to clear some of these misconceptions so that you get a general idea of how a guitar should be used.
Misconceptions about Playing the Guitar Fast
Despite this increasing trend about playing fast, speed is not relevant by itself. However, used in the context of a good music and with taste, speed really is a good thing.
Another misconception about speed is that in order to learn to play guitar fast you have to practice Fast. It is indeed true that at some point you will need to practice Fast. However, the first step is to develop some techniques before you can work on playing fast. There’s no way to learn these techniques other than slowly.
How to Learn to Play Guitar fast?
The key to playing fast is being able to think before you play. Aaron Shearer, a famous guitar teacher, promoted the “aim directed movement”, meaning that you have to know exactly where your fingers should go before you move them there. You can only achieve this by slow practice.
You should develop your finger strength as well, and practice not only flexing the finger, but extending it as well. Since we were born we have used our hands to grab things and hold them, developing our flexors. You need to develop your extensors as well in order to learn to play guitar fast. A good way to do this is by practicing Rasgueados.
You can build body energy to hold out during the fast playing periods by practicing speed bursts. On a speed burst you have to take a small piece of a scale and play it forwards and backwards using the eighth note as the rhythmic value for every note. Play the same part of the scale backwards and forwards without stopping, using the sixteenth note instead. Thus you can isolate the problems in playing a scale, such as string crossings or shifts.
How to Use Speed the Right Way?
Scott Tennant makes a good statement about speed in his book, Pumping Nylon. He states that when you look at a good piece of music, you notice that the Fast-playing parts only last for a couple of measures. While knowing your scales and being able to play them quickly is a good thing, it’s not necessary to use this speed for long periods of time.
There are several articles available online to help you learn to play guitar fast. However, don’t expect it to be easy. There will actually be a lot of work involved. You should begin by learning about several strategies of developing your finger strength, speed bursts and Rasgueados.
Following are some tips that may help you though:
When learning to play the guitar it is important to learn the basics first. There is an easy way to learn guitar basics that is to research as much as you can online (read the lessons on this site) and in guitar instruction books, then attempt it yourself. Once you have learnt the basic guitar skills you will find that more advanced riffs and chords will come easily to you.
Practice makes perfect
An easy way to learn guitar is to practice and perfect something and then move on to the next thing. Practice definitely makes perfect! When you practice you will move through chords with easy and be able to make a smooth transition from basic chords to more advanced riffs.
Selecting an instrument
When you first find an easy way to learn guitar it is important to select the right guitar. Selecting a guitar is a delicate and lengthy process and should be done with an experienced guitar sales person. It is always a good idea to hold the instrument and play a piece of music on it. This will help you get a feeling for how the instrument will feel when you start an easy way to learn guitar.
Movement is how your body relates to your instrument. An easy way to learn guitar is to treat your instrument like another body part. Move fluidly with your instrument and make all movements clear and precise and not sharp or short.
Making the most out of a lesson
Making the most out of your lesson is important and will make it an easy way to learn guitar. Try videotaping your session so you can watch and rewind anything you may wish to touch on later. Writing notes in a book is another way to make the most out of your lesson. The book can be opened at anytime and you can refer back to previous notes.
Finding an easy way to learn guitar is possible and can be very rewarding. Make the most out of your lessons, whether they be online or with a teacher. Take notes and don’t be afraid to ask as many questions as you need until you get the answer that helps you understand the problem. The need for discipline and a good memory is essential to learn to play guitar easy. Following are some more tips, regarding this.
Condensed lessons
The best way to learn to play guitar easy is to condense smaller sessions into 2 or 3 larger sessions. It is possible to learn guitar in a few days if you are willing to put aside the time. One 8 hour lesson is better then 8 individual 1 hour sessions. During this session you will retain more information and move to more advance riffs and chords easier.
Finding a great teacher
If you want learn to play guitar easy, it is important to have a great teacher. The essence of a great teacher lies in their eye for detail and easy teaching method. A good teacher will constantly correct your mistakes and give you hints and tips on how to improve your skills.
When you learn to play guitar easy it is essential to have a high level of discipline. To learn to play guitar easy you will need to compact years of lessons in to only a few days. This can be done, however you need to be in the right frame of mind and want to learn.
Rest and relaxation
To get the most out of lessons when you learn to play guitar easy, it is important to be well rested and relaxed. Learning to play guitar easy is not necessarily a highly physical sport, however it is mentally challenging. The brain is a muscle and should be treated like any other muscle in the body. Relaxation and rest will ensure your brain functions to the highest standards so you will retain large amounts of information.
Motivation and passion
To learn to play guitar easy you will need to draw motivation from your passion for music and guitars. This will be your driving force when you reach the point when you feel you can go no further. Trust me you will reach a stage where you are mentally and physically exhausted and will feel like throwing in the towel. As long as you understand it is not and easy thing to learn to play guitar easy and have a love and passion for music, you will get through even the toughest moments.
Maintaining your discipline and using your passion for music will be your driving force when you learn to play guitar easy. Don’t give up!
I really hope this article helps you. If you have any other questions, feel free to drop a comment – Don’t be shy!
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